Articles by Harold Shank

"Saying No To Adoption" by Harold Shank

By |2009-09-19T11:22:25+00:00September 19, 2009|

“Saying No To Adoption” By Harold Shank, National Spokesperson for CCFSA Many people say “no” to adoption, perhaps not defiantly or thoughtfully but, in terms of the bottom line, their decision is “no.” One of our elders, Dennis Ruch, and [...]

"A Way to Save All The Children" by Harold Shank

By |2009-09-19T11:19:45+00:00September 19, 2009|

“A Way To Save All The Children” Harold Shank National Spokesperson for CCFSA You have seen the startling statistics about children in America: Preteens are the poorest age group in the nation. A child is killed by a gun every [...]

"Back Then" by Harold Shank

By |2009-09-19T11:15:56+00:00September 19, 2009|

“Back Then I Believed, But Now I Don’t” Harold Shank National Spokesperson for CCFSA In the March 1998 issue, Life magazine reported on their visits with 60 kids in six locations around the nation, asking them about God. They chose [...]

"Poured Out Like Wine" by Harold Shank

By |2009-09-19T11:13:20+00:00September 19, 2009|

    “Poured Out Like Wine” Harold Shank National Spokesperson for CCFSA Stories of service motivate us. Paul aimed to inspire the Philippians to greater commitment when he told how Jesus emptied Himself (Phil. 2:7). He even talked about how [...]

"Thanks Defenseless" by Harold Shank

By |2009-09-19T11:08:37+00:00September 19, 2009|

    “Thanks Defenseless” Harold Shank National Spokesperson for CCFSA Paul Woodward ministers with Houston’s Impact Church of Christ. Under the headline “Defenseless,” he wrote about Nadine, whose mother kept her under a blanket in her crib until she died [...]

"Lost A Parent" by Harold Shank

By |2009-09-19T10:49:29+00:00September 19, 2009|

    To All Who Have Lost a Parent Harold Shank National Spokesperson for CCFSA At some point in life we lose our parents. In the last decade my wife has lost both her mother and father.  Recently I read [...]

"Where Do You Stand?" by Harold Shank

By |2009-09-19T10:35:10+00:00September 19, 2009|

  Where Do You Stand? Harold Shank National Spokesperson for CCFSA According to the book of Isaiah, there are four positions one can take with regard to children who do not have fathers.   First, some intentionally oppress orphans. In meetings [...]

"Ten Students Speak Out" by Harold Shank

By |2021-08-02T20:45:54+00:00September 19, 2009|

  “Ten University Students Speak Out” By Harold Shank, National Spokesperson for CCFSA Fall semester, 2006 Anyone who witnesses first hand the misery of others usually wonders how they can convince the Christian community to share the same awareness. For [...]

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