Going Deeper with God
Addressing Challenging Issues in Our Relationship with God
by Douglas L. Mead, MSSW
Christian Faith Publishing, Inc. 2021, paperback, 276 pages.
Available at Amazon, Walmart, Abe Books, and Better World Books.
Paperback $19.99, Kindle 9.99.
Doug Mead is a familiar name at Network 1:27. He has been a social worker for the Children’s Home of Lubbock, the program director for Timothy Hill Children’s Ranch, the executive director for Christian Family Services of the Midwest, and the executive director for Georgia Agape, where he worked 21 years before retiring. Doug has been on several boards, served as a deacon, taught adult Bible classes, preached to over 100 congregations and he is a presenter at professional conferences. He is married to Nancy. They have two sons, two daughters-in-law and four grandchildren.
This Christian book will not only challenge you to go deeper with God as the title suggests, but it also presents questions that you may struggle with. From the unbeliever to the new Christian, to the person who has been a disciple for decades, Doug presents material to consider and ponder.
A few of the issues addressed in his book are:
- does God exist?
- what does it mean to have a relationship with God?
- ways to learn about God
- is God in control of everything?
- how God speaks to us today
- understanding suffering
Every topic is thoroughly explained and includes Scripture. Other books, and resources are given for further study. Doug tries to give both sides to questions people have making the book a wonderful resource for Bible class teachers.
At the end of the book, there are two appendices. One considers the Word of Faith Movement, and the other is concern about Calvinism. Doug explains their origin, their core beliefs, and gives biblical reasons in refuting them. Both the Word of Faith Movement and Calvinism are popular today. I found the supplemental material most helpful in understanding what they believed and why.
We live in a world of confusing messages. Doug has spent time researching and studying many issues that will help us in our spiritual journey and relationship with God. This is not a book just to be read, this is a book to be studied.