Speak to the church on behalf of Christian Childcare.
CCFSA is a virtual organization, which means we have no full-time staff, no office of public relations, no writers churning out material to promote the needs among vulnerable children and families. Since the member agencies dedicate nearly all of their resources to the front line work of taking care of orphaned children, providing foster care, ministering to families, and dealing with other struggles of contemporary life, CCFSA is often our only national way to keep our message in front of Christian people. The national spokesperson is a limited position with CCFSA that gives us a voice in a number of significant forums.
Child care agencies are among several different kinds of organizations that help the church do its work. From Christian colleges to campus ministries, from K-12 schools to Christian camps, all these are good works. CCFSA makes a strong effort to make known the needs of children and the agencies that serve them.
Our current national spokesperson has published two books that take up the issue of vulnerable children. Children Mean the World to God argues that the church has a ministry to the world’s hurting children. It pleads for a full restoration of first century Christianity where pure religion included ministry to the widows and orphans.
The latest book, Listening to His Heartbeat, takes an in-depth look at God. The climatic chapter in this heartfelt book is the discovery of how close children are to the core of God’s heart.
A substantial number of articles explaining the role of the church in caring for children are available at the CCFSA web site along with outlines of speeches to give at churches and other public events on the topic of Christian Childcare.
Speak to those in Christian Childcare on behalf of the church.
The national spokesperson of Christian Childcare is a non social worker. We have deliberately selected somebody who does not work in Christian Childcare to allow him to bring the larger view of the church to our work. Most of us in Christian Childcare work in the trenches where we see endangered young lives and dysfunctional families. It is wearing and often takes a personal toll on all of us. We need an outside voice to remind us of the bigger picture and to keep us on focus.
The current national spokesperson has done that for the last decade at the annual conference of Christian Childcare. His presentations for the last couple of years are available for listening on this web site. Each message is specifically designed to encourage those who lead in Christian Childcare.
Indeed, just knowing that a well-known person in our fellowship is advocating for us at every opportunity offers a spark that helps keep us going. This unique position bridging the larger church world and the world of Christian Childcare gives CCFSA a cutting edge perspective on the on-going mission and encouragement to finish the course.
Member comments on the value of the National Spokesperson.
“The National Spokesman for CCFSA has been most helpful because of his passion and focus on child care issues, and his articles provide tools which we are encouraged to use to prompt our supporters to give even more.”
Randy Schow, Executive Director of Mountain States Children’s Home, Longmont, Colorado
“I appreciate the books and articles written by the CCFSA National Spokesman. They are so encouraging. They are filled with compelling lessons on how to serve families.”
Shelle Morrison, Executive Director, Carpenter’s Place, Wichita, Kansas.
“The National Spokesman, Harold Shank, has enabled increase the visibility of the needs of children and families, and the work being done to meet those needs. He has encouraged us to examine our focus on the future, and inspired us through his messages.”
Ralph Richardson – Hope Harbor Children’s Home and Academy, Claremore, Oklahoma.